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On 4th of November, the second FIA-approved international drift championship was held in Tokyo and it was Motul driver Georgy Chivchyan who slid his yellow Nissan S15 Silvia to victory. After the race, we caught up with him for a quick interview.


Gocha, tell me how the car behaved on the track.

The car behaved perfectly! In Vladivostok we had the car set up just right. The boost pressure and steering angle  were perfect. Therefore, we didn't have to change very much.The suspension was the only thing we had to adjust. As the Obaida track is a vert bumpy one, we used softer suspension.

Gocha, tell me how the car behaved on the track.

How did you manage to get your cars to Tokyo?

It was pretty easy. After the event in Vladivostok, we loaded the car into a container and from there, the FIA handled all the logistics for transportation to Tokyo. When we opened up the container, the car wasn’t even dusty …


How did you manage to get your cars to Tokyo?

The competition was fierce, but you managed to make it to the top sixteen. How tough was the competition?

The most difficult race for me was with Arkasha, because he is one of the most skilled pilots here and our cars have the same power.


The competition was fierce, but you managed to make it to the top sixteen. How tough was the competition?

What was the biggest challenge?

The track lay-out was one of the best I’d ever seen but there were so many different patches of asphalt. There must’ve been more than twenty. Add in the weather conditions and the challenge was complete. The conditions were constantly changing - one moment it was dry and a few moments later, it was raining. I tried to memorize all the slippery patches, but it was tough. If the track had been dry it would’ve been a much better spectacle though.


What was the biggest challenge?

What were you thinking when you got up onto the podium?

It’s hard to remember what I was thinking. Probably, about what a heavy trophy it was, five pounds approximately. When the Russian national anthem began to play, it was an amazing feeling. I also thought that everything could’ve been different.

It could’ve been Arkasha or Ilya. It would’ve be interesting to battle with them in the final.


What were you thinking when you got up onto the podium?