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Mexican Street Racing - Tijuana


A marvelous show in Tijuana

The Tijuana Grand Prix, an incredible car racing event partnered by Motul and organised in the streets of Tijuana, the 'capital' of Mexican California, took place on 19 & 20 November. The organisers indeed decided at the last minute to postpone for one week the 2011 edition, initially scheduled for the 12th & 13th, for safety reasons owing to torrential rainfall.

Weather conditions were however barely any milder, but the drivers, like the 'tightrope artists' participating in other city Grand Prix (Monaco, Pau, Macao), excelled themselves and gave the public the eagerly awaited show.

Motul was also a technical partner for team Perdomo Motorsport, which entered two Hondas: a Civic in category B - the Grand Prix proposed 4 categories, A, B, C and Open – as well as a CRX in category C. The  Civic unfortunately encountered some mechanical  problems but Carlos Perdomo's CRX allowed him to finish on the third step of the podium after pulling through from the back of the pack (failed qualifyings).

Watch some superb in-car camera footage on Youtube, Car Racing playlist:

A marvelous show in Tijuana